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Pegunungan Dieng - Wonosobo

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012 | 05.52

dieng adalah sebuah kawasan di daerah dataran tinggi di perbatasan antara Kabupaten Banjarnegara dan Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah. Desa Dieng terbagi menjadi Dieng Kulon, Kecamatan Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara dan Dieng Kidul, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo.Kawasan ini terletak sekitar 26 km di sebelah Utara ibukota Kabupaten Wonosobo, dengan ketinggian mencapai 6000 kaki atau 2.093 m di atas permukaan laut. Suhu di Dieng sejuk mendekati dingin. Temperatur berkisar 15—20°C di siang hari dan 10°C di malam hari. Bahkan, suhu udara terkadang dapat mencapai 0°C di pagi hari, terutama antara Juli—Agustus. Penduduk setempat menyebut suhu ekstrem itu sebagai bun upas yang artinya "embun racun" karena embun ini menyebabkan kerusakan pada tanaman pertanian.

Note : Gambar kawah , Candi Arjuna, dan Peta Dieng

Obyek Wisata :
Beberapa peninggalan budaya dan cagar alam telah dijadikan sebagai obyek wisata dan dikelola bersama oleh dua kabupaten, yaitu Banjarnegara dan Wonosobo. Berikut beberapa obyek wisata di Dieng.

* Telaga Werna, sebuah telaga yang sering memunculkan nuansa warna merah, hijau, biru, putih, dan lembayung
* Telaga Pengilon
* Kawah: Sikidang, Sileri, Sinila (meletus dan mengeluarkan gas beracun pada tahun 1979 dengan korban 149 jiwa)
* Kompleks Candi-candi Hindu yang dibangun pada abad ke-7, antara lain: Gatotkaca, Bima
* Gua Semar
* Sumur Jalatunda
* Mata air Sungai Serayu

Nama Dieng berasal dari bahasa Sunda Kuno "Di" yang berarti "tempat" atau "gunung" dan "Hyang" yang bermakna (Dewa). Dengan demikian, Dieng berarti daerah pegunungan tempat para dewa dan dewi bersemayam. Nama Dieng berasal dari Bahasa Sunda karena diperkirakan sebelum tahun 600 daerah itu didiami oleh Suku Sunda dan bukan Suku Jawa. (Sumber: wikipedia).

Candi-candi di Dieng dipercaya sebagai tanda awal peradaban Hindu di Pulau Jawa pada masa Sanjaya pada abad ke-8. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya gugusan candi di Dieng yang konon untuk memuja Dewa Syiwa. Candi-candi tersebut antara lain: Candi Arjuna, Candi Srikandi, Candi Puntadewa, Candi Sembadra, Candi Gatot Kaca. Sedangkan untuk penamaan candi-candi itu sendiri dipercaya baru dimulai pada abad ke-19. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya relief-relief yang ada pada candi tersebut. Misalnya pada Candi Srikandi, relief yang terlukis justru merupakan penggambaran dari wujud Dewa Syiwa. Candi-candi tersebut dibangun dengan menggunakan konstruksi batu Andesit yang berasal dari Gunung Pakuwaja yang berada di Selatan komplek Candi Dieng. Dieng terbentuk dari gunung api tua yang mengalami penurunan drastis (dislokasi), oleh patahan arah barat laut dan tenggara. Gunung api tua itu adalah Gunung Prau. Pada bagian yang ambles itu muncul gunung-gunung kecil yaitu: Gunung Alang, Gunung Nagasari, Gunung Panglimunan, Gunung Pangonan, Gunung Gajahmungkur dan Gunung Pakuwaja.
Beberapa gunung api masih aktif dengan karakteristik yang khas. Magma yang timbul tidak terlalu kuat tidak seperti pada Gunung Merapi. Sedangkan letupan-letupan yang terjadi adalah karena tekanan air bawah tanah oleh magma yang menyebabkan munculnya beberapa gelembung-gelembung lumpur panas. Fenomena ini antara lain dapat dilihat pada Kawah Sikidang atau Kawah Candradimuka .
Untuk antisipasi terjadinya bahaya vulkanik Direktorat Vulkanologi dan MITIGASI Bencana Geologi secara terus menerus memantau aktifitas vulkanik di Pegunungan Dieng.
Dieng memang tempat yang elok dan damai serta menyimpan sejuta tantangan gairah para ilmuwan untuk melakukan penelitian. (Sumber : www.savedieng.org )
05.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Romantic sunset on Parangtriti

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012 | 22.04

When the sun is inclined to the west and the weather is sunny, it's time to have fun. Although visitors are prohibited from swimming, Parangtritis not lack the means to having fun. On the beach there are rental ATV (All-terrain Vechile), the rate of about Rp. 50000-100000 per half hour. Insert it into gear and pulling the clutch off the gas. Brrrrooom, 4-wheel all-terrain bike will be raced take you across the sand dune beach.

Well, ATVs may only be suitable for those who are more adventurous. Another option is the gig. Along the smooth surface of the sand waves were washed with 2-wheeled horse-drawn carriage is no less enjoyable. Bendi will bring us to the east end where the cluster of coral Parangtritis so beautiful spot is often used as pre-wedding photo shoot. The dim twilight and shadow golden sun on the water surface more and evoke a romantic atmosphere.

Parangtritis also offer excitement for those who travel with family. Kite-flying with your baby is equally enjoyable. Strong sea breeze which is very helpful to make a kite flying high, even if you have never played a kite though.

Still reluctant to go home even though the sun had set? Soon some roasted corn sellers will hold a mat on the beach, we could hang out there until late at night. Still did not want to go home? Do not worry, Parangtritis available at dozens of flights and accommodation at an affordable price.
22.04 | 0 komentar | Read More

Parangtritis, Most Famous Beach in Yogyakarta

Parangtritis located 27 km south of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transport that operates up at 17:00 as well as private vehicles. Afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs behind the beach Gembirawati. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, the southern sea, down to the horizon.

Pssst, YogYES will tell you a secret. Not many people know that on the east cliff is hidden a ruined temple. Unlike the other temples located in a mountainous area, Candi Gembirawati only a few hundred meters from the Parangtritis. To reach this temple, we can pass the ramp near the Hotel Queen of the South and into the path westward approximately 100 meters. The faint roar of the ferocious waves of the sea could be heard south of this temple.

Parangtritis very closely with the legendary Queen of South. Many people believe that Java is Parangtritis magical kingdom of the Queen of South gate which controls the southern ocean. Hotel Queen of the South is a luxurious resort named after this legend. Unfortunately, this resort is now open but rarely used to have a view that could make you hold your breath.
21.59 | 0 komentar | Read More

Malioboro Down the Road and Paradise Bouquet Souvenirs in the heart of Jogja City

The sun as thousands of people crowded along Jalan Malioboro. They do not just stand on the sidewalk but to run over the road. It was so loud and boisterous. Bubbling laughter, screaming car horns, the strains of gamelan tapes, to the cries of vendors selling food and children's toys blend into one. After waiting for hours, finally the awaited carnival troupe appeared. Soldiers initiated by Bregada Lombok Abang, royal carriage procession began to walk slowly. Flash of a camera flash and thunderous applause greeted when the bridal couple through. All crammed like menyakasikan pair GKR Bendara and KPH Yudhanegara continues waving his hand and cast a friendly smile.

That scene is seen as the party's youngest daughter carnival pawiwahan ageng X passing lane to the ward of Yogyakarta Palace Kepatihan. Thousands of people thronged to meet Malioboro Street that stretches from north to south. In Sanskrit, means the road malioboro wreath because in ancient times when the Sultan entered the event, a mile-long road will be filled with a bouquet of flowers. Although time passed and times have changed, Malioboro position as the main road and the site of the various carnival celebrations never change. Until now Malioboro, Vredeburg, and Zero Point is still the site of the carnival range from Jogja Java Carnival mat, Chinese Cultural Week, Yogyakarta Arts Festival, Carnival Malioboro, and many others.

Before it turns into a busy street, Malioboro is a lonely road with a tamarind tree growing on the right and left. This path is passed by people who want to Sultan or the Indische first complex in Yogyakarta as Loji Large (Vredeburg), Loji Minor (the area next to the Great House), Loji Kebon (Great House), and Loji Satan (Parliament Office). However the existence Pasar Gede or Markets Beringharjo on the southern side as well as the the existence of settlements ethnic Tionghoa in regions Ketandan gradually jack up the economy in the region. Malioboro Chinese group made a business channel, so that the trade which originally centered in Chinatown Beringharjo and eventually extends to the north to Monument Station.

See Malioboro rapidly evolving into the pulse of trade and shopping center, a friend said that Malioboro is baby talk for "let's entire stock yok". You can buy at Malioboro the desired range of merchandise ranging from trinkets beautiful, unique souvenirs, batik classic, gold and jewels to household appliances. For fans of souvenirs, Malioboro be a fun hunting paradise. Walking on the shoulder of the road while offering a variety of goods sold by street vendors would be a special experience. Variety of locally made souvenirs like batik, rattan ornament, silver, bamboo handicrafts, leather puppets, blangkon, miniature traditional vehicles, accessories, to key chains can all be found easily. If a good bargain, these items can be taken home with a fairly cheap price.

In addition to trading centers, roads that are part of the imaginary axis connecting Parangtritis, Stage Krapyak, Kraton Yogyakarta, Monument, and Mount Merapi was once a hotbed of artists and stage performances led Umbu Landu Paranggi Malioboro. They are also the culture of sitting on the sidewalk Lesbian eventually popularized the entrenched and highly identical to Malioboro. Enjoy a romantic dinner in a stall lesehan street singers sang while listening to the song "Yogyakarta" Kelly's will be a very impression in the hearts.

Malioboro is the series of history, the story of, and memories who mutually berkelindan in each minds of person who ever menyambanginya. The charm of this road was never faded by time. Exoticism Malioboro continue to phosphorescent until now and inspire lots of of people, as well as forcing they to continue return to the Yogyakarta. As the initial sentence is in the works of poetry Melodia Umbu Landu Paranggi "Love is what makes me feel at home once in a while to survive", memories and love of many people to Malioboro that makes these roads continue to survive until now.

Description: Carnival and the events that took place in Malioboro normally incidental to the execution time of uncertainty. But there are some activities that are regularly held every year as Jogja Java Carnival is always held every October, the Yogyakarta Arts Festival in June and July, and the Chinese Cultural Week held adjacent to the celebration of Chinese New Year (Lunar).
21.43 | 0 komentar | Read More

SRI Waterfall Gethuk There was a thundering sound of water breaking on Dry Land

SRI Waterfall Gethuk
There was a thundering sound of water breaking on Dry Land

Exotic Grand Canyon in northern Arizona, the United States would no longer be denied. Grand Canyon is a natural formation of ravines and steep cliffs are decorated by the flow of the Colorado River. Name of the Grand Canyon and then spoofed into Green Canyon to name a tourist attraction in West Java are quite similar, the flow of the river that divides the high cliffs. Gunungkidul as an area that is often assumed to be dry and barren region was also similar to the beauty store, the green of the river which divides the canyon with a beautiful waterfall that never stops flowing in every season. The waterfall is known as Sri Gethuk Waterfall.

Tourism Village is located in Bleberan, Niagara Sri Gethuk be one tourist spot to be missed. To reach this place you have to ride the vehicle through the eucalyptus forest owned PERHUTANI with road conditions ranging from good to bitumen macadam road. Hamlet enters Menggoran, eucalyptus plant fields gave way to a meeting of teak. Arriving at the fishing area that also serves as a parking lot, there are two choices of roads to reach the waterfall. The first choice that is down the path with views of green rice fields decorated with coconut palm trees, while the second option is to go up against the current Oya River. Of course YogYES choose to ride a simple raft made of drums and the board.

The trip to Niagara Sri Gethuk begins when the sun do not rise high. That morning Oya river looks so green and quiet, together with the silence of karst cliffs that stand boldly on either side of the river. Sound that drove the raft against the current of the river pushed morning silence. As he set the pace of the raft, a guide to tell the origin of the name Niagara Sri Gethuk. Based on a story that people believe, the waterfall is a storage place kethuk which is one of Jin's gamelan instruments Anggo Meduro. Therefore, it is called by the name of Sri Gethuk Waterfall. That said, at certain times of the Hamlet Menggoran gamelan is often heard coming from the direction of the waterfall.

Not long raft ride, the roar could be heard. Sri Gethuk waiting in front of the eye. Beautiful rocks below the waterfall forms the edge of the steps like a luxurious swimming pool, calling everyone to play in the water. YogYES was dropped from the raft and jump over the rocks to get to the bottom of the waterfall and bath underneath. This time it feels like being in the middle of nowhere where the water flows so abundant. Water flows in between toes, the water splashed all over the body, the water flowing everywhere. A friend suddenly shouted "There's a rainbow". Looking up, selengkung nan dazzling rainbow waterfalls adorn. Shortly YogYES feel berselendangkan rainbow fairy.


Tickets: Rp. 3,000 (a passport to Design Kencono Cave)
Rates rose raft: USD 5,000 / person (round trip)
Rent tires: Rp. 2000 / person

Waterfall Sri Gethuk fully managed by village communities Bleberan. For more information please contact Kohar (+62 853 3400 5700), Tri Harjono (+62,813 2821 6842).
21.33 | 0 komentar | Read More
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